PERB Reaffirms MMBA Provides Factfinding for Single-Issue Disputes
In City and County of San Francisco (PERB Order No. Ad-429-M), PERB reaffirmed that impasse procedures under the MMBA (Meyers-Milias-Brown Act) apply to disputes over a single issue. Consistent with its previous decisions on the subject, PERB held that MMBA factfinding is “available for any ‘differences’ over any matter within the scope of representation, so long as the employee organization’s request is timely and the dispute is not subject to one of the statutory exceptions. . .”
For Unions, the key takeaway is that they may continue to demand factfinding when impasse is reached in any dispute, subject to the statutory exceptions, over an issue within the scope of representation. For more information about impasse procedures under the MMBA, or other public sector labor laws, please contact your labor law counsel.
Author: Rob Szykowny