New factfinding procedures under the MMBA apply to peace officers and management employees
On April 9, 2014, PERB issued a decision—City of Redondo Beach v. Redondo Beach Police Officers Association (2014) PERB Decision No. Ad 409-M—clarifying that the new factfinding procedures under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) apply to peace officers and management employees.
Although peace officers and management employees are covered by the MMBA, PERB does not have jurisdiction over their unfair practice claims (or certain other claims).
In this decision, PERB held that its authority to appoint a factfinder comes from Section 3505.4 of the MMBA. Since Section 3505.4 applies to peace officers and management employees, PERB does have authority to appoint a factfinder when impasse is reached in a dispute involving such employees.
For more information, please contact your labor law counsel.
Author: Rob Szykowny