MMBA 2014 Update: New Paid Release-Time Provisions Have Gone Into Effect
This is a reminder that, as of January 1, 2014, the MMBA's new paid-release-time provisions went into effect. Employee Union representatives are now entitled to paid release time in the following circumstances:
1- Testifying before the Public Employment Relations Board (“PERB”) in proceedings relating to a charge filed by or against the Union;
2- Appearing as a representative of the Union before PERB;
3- Testifying before a personnel or merit commission; and
4- Appearing as a representative of the Union before a personnel or merit commission.
Of course, employees’ Union representatives still have the right to paid release time for participating in meet-and-confers or negotiations.
Please contact your labor law counsel if you have questions about the MMBA’s new paid-release-time provisions.
Author: Sean Graham